Wednesday, January 29, 2020
SQ3R Is Not a New Star Wars Character
It is about that time in the semester when we begin to notice a pattern developing. We have assigned reading for our students and reminded them that it should be done before the class so that they can come with prepared questions. Yet they don't seem to have grasped the concept and so we fall back into presenting the entire reading material during class rather than using our active learning teaching interventions that promote deeper learning. We have shared some teaching interventions that work in this blog before. Dr. Dimple J. Martin offers us another process that she uses that may work for you as well. Dr. Martin writes, "First, let’s acknowledge
this universal epidemic. College students despise reading textbooks and e-books
that cover content with academic information. Fortunately, I discovered a cure
for the reading plague that only requires five teaspoons of ingestion: 1)
survey 2) question 3) read 4) retrieve and 5) review. In my class, I have found
the SQ3R Method to be a step-by-step approach to learning and studying from
textbooks. Although it took my students time and practice to master this
method, it has been valuable in regards to preparing students for more
content-driven class discussions, increased retention and understanding of
information, strategic study skills, and test preparation." You can read the entire article here.